Unlock Your Child's Potential with Extracurricular Activities in Alexandria, VA

At Fontanelle Academy, we offer extracurricular activities designed to help children develop a well-rounded set of skills and interests. Learn more about how to get started.

Unlock Your Child's Potential with Extracurricular Activities in Alexandria, VA

At Fontanelle Academy, we understand the importance of providing a comprehensive educational experience for our students. To that end, we have partnered with dance, yoga, and music professionals to offer extracurricular activities at our facilities during the school day. These activities are designed to help children develop a well-rounded set of skills and interests, while also giving parents the assurance that their children are engaged in meaningful activities. If you're interested in enrolling your child in one of these activities, there are a few things you should be aware of.

First, you may need to obtain a permit from the City of Alexandria. The type of permit required and the fees associated with it will depend on the activity you choose. Additionally, there may be certain requirements that must be met in order for your child to participate. At Fontanelle Academy, we make it as easy as possible for our families to take advantage of these extracurricular activities.

We provide detailed information about each activity and can assist you with the permit process if needed. If you want to give your child an opportunity to expand their horizons and unlock their potential, consider enrolling them in one of our extracurricular activities. With our help, you can ensure they get the most out of their time at Fontanelle Academy.

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